# BMail The BMail package allows you to send email templates on Laravel to the Bluescale API. ## Installation First in your composer.json, add : ```bash "require": { "bluescale/laravel-bmail": "dev-master" } ``` and ```bash "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@git.bluesquare.io:bluescale/laravel-bmail.git" } ] ``` Next update your package : ```bash composer update bluescale/laravel-bmail ``` Then publish the assets from your provider : ```bash php artisan vendor:publish ``` Finally add your API key in the .env : ```bash BMAIL_API_KEY=your_key BMAIL_API_URL=the_api_url ``` ## Usage ```bash $template = (new BMailTemplate("** template_id **")) ->sender("john.doe@gmail.com", 'John') ->replyTo("jean.grey@gmail.com", 'Jean') ->recipients([ ['elvis@gmail.com', ['name' => 'Elvis']], ['matthew@gmail.com', ['name' => 'Matthew', 'parameters' => ['key' => 'value']] ]) ->addRecipient('edward@gmail.com') ->addRecipient("robert@gmail.com", ['name' => 'Rob', 'parameters' => ['key' => 'value']]) ->parameters(['foo' => 'bar', 'foo' => 'fighter']) ->addParameter('key', 'value'); ``` ```bash return (new BMailApi(config('bmail.api_key')))->send($template); ```