# laravel-connect The Bluesquare Connect package allows you to use its OAuth server and sync its resources. ## Installation Update your `composer.json`: ``` "require": { "bluesquare/laravel-connect": "dev-master" } "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://git.bluesquare.io/bluesquare/laravel-connect" } ] ``` Install the package: ```bash composer update bluesquare/laravel-connect ``` Finally, update your `.env` with your client's credentials: ```bash BCONNECT_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id BCONNECT_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret ``` ### Sign in with Bluesquare Connect Follow there instructions to add Bluesquare Connect's authentication to your app. Update your `routes/web.php`: ``` Connect::routes(); ``` Add the "Sign in with Bluesquare Connect" button in your blade login page: ```blade ``` Make sure that your `password` is nullable. #### Keep user tokens (optional) First, make sure that your model implements `HasConnectTokens` trait. Then, add the following columns to your table: ``` $table->text('connect_access_token')->nullable(); $table->text('connect_refresh_token')->nullable(); $table->dateTime('connect_expires_at')->nullable(); ``` ### Database syncing Follow these instructions to sync your database with Bluesquare Connect. In your `AppServiceProvider`, specify in the `boot()` function which entities you want to sync: ``` $connect->setSynchronized([ Role::class, Company::class, Team::class, User::class, UserTeam::class ]); ``` Your entities must use `HasConnectSync` trait. This trait allows you to customize the syncing behavior. Finally, use this command to sync everything: ```bash php artisan connect:sync ``` #### Live updates (optional) First, configure a webhook on Bluesquare Connect : ``` https://your-app.com/api/connect/webhook ``` Then, update your `routes/api.php`: ``` Connect::apiRoutes(); ``` ## Advanced usage ### OAuth (sign in) #### Authorization Redirect to Bluesquare Connect authorization page: ``` public function authorize(Connect $connect) { return $connect->redirect($optional_custom_state); } ``` #### Authorization callback Auto: check state, login and redirect ``` public function callback(Request $request, Connect $connect) { return $connect->loginFromCallback($request, $optional_redirect_to); } ``` Manual: check state ``` public function callback(Request $request, Connect $connect) { $valid = $connect->checkState($request); // ... } ``` #### Tokens management ``` // Retrieve tokens from an authorization code $connect_data = $connect->getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode($code); // Retrieve tokens from a refresh token $connect_data = $connect->getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken($connect_data['refresh_token']); // With HasConnectTokens trait: get your local user tokens $connect->getUserAccessToken($user); ``` #### User data ``` // Retrieve user data from an access token $user_data = $connect->getUserData($connect_data['access_token']); // Example: find the corresponding user in your database $user = User::where('email', $user_data['email'])->first(); ``` ### OAuth (client) #### Token management ``` // Get an access token $connect->getAccessToken(); // Delete the current access token from cache $connect->deleteAccessToken(); ``` #### API resources ``` // Fetch all users $connect->getAll('User'); // Fetch an user $connect->get('User', 1); ``` #### Syncing ``` // Sync everything $optional_resource_types = ['User', ...]; $connect->syncAll($optional_resource_types); // Sync a specific resource $connect->sync('User', 1); ``` ### Webhook ``` // Handle a webhook request $connect->handleWebhook($request); ``` ### Configuration Publish our config file (`config/bconnect.php`) to customize the package configuration: ```bash php artisan vendor:publish ```